Or Lady of Guadalupe

Franciscan Daughters of Mary

Rose Garden Home Mission

Center for Hope and Healing

Our Spirituality


We understand that "prayer is the soul of the Apostolate, but that also the Apostolate animates and inspires prayer" 
(Vita Consecrata)


All Sisters strive to follow Christ after the example of Saint Francis of Assisi through:

  • Prayer
  • Poverty
  • Penance
  • Charity
  • Obedience

Our prayer life consists of personal or interior conversation with God, daily Mass, prayer in common as a community, daily Eucharistic Adoration, and the Liturgy of the Hours in union with the universal church.


Penance is expressed in several ways:

  • Fasting, both privately and in community, on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday
  • Receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation weekly
  • Taking up our daily crosses and uniting them to the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ


In the Spirit of Saint Francis, each should be an instrument of God's peace,

sowing love where there is hatred,

pardon where there is injury,

faith where there is doubt,

hope where there is despair,

light where there is darkness, and

joy where there is sadness. 


Each Daughter should be ready to console rather than be consoled, to comfort rather than be comforted, to understand rather that be understood.  This allows each Daughter to serve God freely with an open heart and soul.


Obedience signifies our desire to respond like Christ to the Father's Will; He who was obedient even unto death. 
We seek to do the Lord's Will in everything, imploring Him at the beginning of each day, that every thought, word, action and every movement and affection of our hearts be totally united to His Most Holy Will.  By this we recognize that our Father knows what is best for us and if we follow His precepts and trust in Him, we will experience peace in this life and Eternal Joy with Him in Heaven.